Thursday, October 12, 2006

Malachi 3:10 "Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open to you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing."

Today, on my way home, I stopped by a most unlikely place to fish because I could see the mullet working. I threw the cast net, got live bait, used them and caught three big flounder, the only fish I had caught all day.

As I continued home, I thanked God for my miracle catch of three big flounder. It took me a few more miles toward home before I got around to thanking God for the blessings of the little mullet that He provided that enabled me to even fish for the flounder.

That experience left me wondering if there were not many times we asked or thanked God for big miracles while forgetting to seek and savor the little blessings He gave us.

For example, when a storm is bearing down on my coast, I ask God for the miracle of His protection. I forget to thank Him for each peaceful, perfectly safe day He blesses me with.

Since I believe that if God meant people to fly, he would have given them wings and not just airplanes, I pray for the miracle of safety when my sons are flying all over this world. I sometimes forget to ask Him for the blessing of safety when they are flying down some expressway late for work.

I know some young women when they find that they are pregnant, stop any habits that might interfere with the miracle of birth of their baby, but they resume these same habits right after their child has received the blessing of life, as if those same habits don't still affect the life of their child.

When our loved ones are fading or facing a lift-threatening disease, we rush to God and beg Him for a miracle and make silly, little promises of things we will stop or start if God will only mind us. Yet we fail to thank Him for the daily blessings of some loved one's life that we have shared, nor do we mention to God anything we are willing to stop or start to continue the blessing of every day life.

Sometimes we need a dumb little mullet to teach us brilliant people lessons.

Dear Lord, forgive us when we pile up little blessings in an attempt to stand on them while straining to look for big miracles. You love us in little things as much as You show Your love through the big ones.


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