Friday, October 13, 2006

1 Corintians 15:51 "Behold, I show you a mystery."

Today, I do not understand why:

I can cast over the railing on the pier, under the high line that is out over the water and hit within 6 inches of where I saw a redfish swirl;

I am able to tighten the drag and loosen the tension on my 45-year-old reel with the precision of a German watch-maker;

I am capable of telling if I am going to hook a reddish, flounder, or trout as soon as I feel the first tentative nibble of a bite;

I am gifted enough to perfectly cast a right-handed open-faced bait-casting reel and then immediately pick up and throw my left-handed spinning reel and fish with both of them at the same time;

But, today, I do not understand why, if I can do all these "fishy" things, I don't have the aptitude to operate a simple VCR.

Dear Lord, I guess there are a lot of mysteries in life I don't understand. But, because of you, God, I don't have to worry why.


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